There are many common causes of sore throat, including bacterial infection and environmental factors. Knowing the cause can help you quickly identify ...
Uh, oh! You feel a tickle in your throat, and then a cough soon follows. What is causing your cough, and how should it be treated? We all get a cough ...
Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Whether it's a dull ache after a long day of work or sharp, shooting pains that limit ...
Some illnesses come and go based on the season. For example, flu season usually runs from October through May. Pneumonia doesn’t have a specific ...
Have you noticed a bulge on your body that wasn’t there before? That’s a sign that you have a hernia. Hernias usually aren’t medical emergencies ...
Regarding pain, dislocated shoulders are practically in a category of their own. If you’ve ever dislocated your shoulder, you know the pain is ...
Getting a sore throat and worried it could be strep? Your urgent care center can do a rapid test to see if you have strep throat. The doctors can also ...
Appendicitis occurs when the appendix is inflamed. Do not delay if you suspect you have appendicitis. Treatment at urgent care or the ER is critical ...
You do not need medical care for most insect stings or bites. In many cases, they will heal on their own over a few hours or days. Sometimes, however, ...
Puncture wounds are incredibly common and can vary in their severity. Severe puncture wounds may need stitches, infection prevention, or other ...
In most cases, a cough is just a cough and will disappear within a few days or weeks. But sometimes, it indicates something more serious. A cough ...
Maybe you got injured while playing sports, or you accidentally fell over. Perhaps you got into a fight. People break bones every day, but what do you ...